Dialog Box

In celebration

Give in celebration

If you have an exciting celebration coming up - such as a birthday, wedding or anniversary - consider asking for a gift to Hudson Institute. It just means asking your guests to make a donation to our groundbreaking research instead of buying a gift for you.

Create aN IN celebration page Donate to IN celebration page

Your customised page can include photos and information about your special event. The link can then be emailed to your friends and family. Your loved ones can leave you messages of support and/or congratulations on the page along with their donation to Hudson Institute.

Acknowledging these special gifts

To acknowledge generous celebration gifts from a loved one, friend or colleague, our Fundraising team will send a thank you letter and a tax-deductible receipt for every donation that includes a name and address.

Make an Impact on human health

A gift in celebration in support of our research will allow us to power new and innovative treatments and cures for this and future generations. It also gives you and your guests the knowledge that they have contributed to something truly worthwhile.

Do you have a question? 

If you’d like to learn more about gifts in memory to Hudson Institute of Medical Research, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Donor Engagement and Fundraising Manager, Connie Honaker. Your enquiry will be treated confidentially and without any obligation.

Meet Connie

Donor Engagement and Fundraising Manager

t: + 61 450 524 565
e: connie.honaker@hudson.org.au
Monday-Wednesday | 9am–5pm

Outside of these hours, email donations@hudson.org.au and we will get back to you at the soonest possible time.
